Follow your bliss!

23 January 2006

Tagged (lists of 4)

I have been tagged by jennimi - an honor. I sometimes decide not to do these types of posts, but this one was fun to do.

four jobs i have had

  1. camp counselor
  2. sold costumes
  3. daycare (toddler room, mainly)
  4. pizzaria (owned by friends)

four movies i could watch over and over

  1. Stealing Beauty
  2. Labyrinth
  3. Ever After
  4. Harold and Maude

four places i have lived

  1. Virginia Beach
  2. Binghamton, NY
  3. Buffalo, NY
  4. East Bloomfield, NY

four tv shows

  1. Stargate
  2. Firefly
  3. Crossing Jordan
  4. Time Trax (had to put one way back show)

four websites

  1. Flower Fairies
  2. Taughannock Falls
  3. Oxford English Dictionary
  4. The Official Peanuts web site

four favorite foods

  1. Pan seared fish
  2. Mushroom and onion pizza
  3. Mom's brownies
  4. Bloomfield Creamery Chocolate Chip ice cream (may be State Street Creamery now)

four places i'd rather be

  1. Camping
  2. Italy
  3. England
  4. On a quest

four bloggers i'd tag

  1. I don't
  2. know
  3. four
  4. bloggers!


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